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115 CE Trajan Quake

Early Morning - 13 December 115 CE

by Jefferson Williams

Introduction & Summary

In the winter of 113/114 CE, Roman Emperor Trajan moved to Antioch and made it his base for military operations against the Parthian Empire . Approximately two years later, he nearly died when an earthquake destroyed much of the city. Nearby Daphne was also badly affected. Guidoboni et. al. (1994) and Ambraseys (2009) assign a date of 13 December 115 CE to this earthquake based on a detailed chronology provided by Antiochene native John Malalas writing in the 6th century CE. While other late authors provide earlier dates for this earthquake1 , these dates do not seem nearly as reliable as the one provided by Malalas. The most reliable early source for this event is Dio Cassius who produced an extensive and dramatic account of the effects of the quake. In addition to Antioch and Daphne, four other cities, among them Apamea, may have also been damaged by the earthquake. This additional destruction, discussed but not specifically mentioned in the sources2, is inferred from building programs initiated by Rome in the aftermath of the earthquake (see Archaeoseismic evidence for Apamea).

Although this earthquake was associated with both Dead Sea Seismites and Tsunamogenic deposits in and around Caesarea, such an association is unlikely because this earthquake was too far away to have caused either the seismites or the tsunami. A more likely candidate is the early 2nd century CE Incense Road Earthquake


1 Orosius and Michael the Syrian synchronize the earthquake with a lightning strike that burned down the Roman Pantheon in 110 CE. From Evagrius Scholasticus one can backdate the Trajan Quake to ~110 CE based on his date for the 458 CE Antioch earthquake however there are dating inconsistencies in his chronology for the 458 CE event. Eusebius apparently dates the Trajan Quake to 113/114 CE. George Syncellus incorrectly dates the earthquake to 108 or 109 CE. Since the earthquake struck while Trajan was living in Antioch, it is constrained to the years of 113-116 CE.

2 Dio Cassius mentions that “many cities suffered”

Textual Evidence

Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Satire VI by Juvenal Latin

1st half of the 2nd century CE Italy Unlocated and undated poetic reference to how cities are tottering and lands subsiding
Roman History by Dio Cassius Greek

~207-229 CE Mostly in Capua (Italy). Possibly wrote some material in other locations. Dio Cassius provided an extensive discussion of the earthquake and its effects but provides limited chronological information.
Chronicon by Eusebius Greek translated to Latin by Jerome

Christian Early 4th century CE Caesarea Short passage states that An earthquake at Antioch ruined almost the entire city during the 1st year of the 223rd Olympiad which corresponds to 1 July 113 CE to 30 June 114 CE
History Against the Pagans by Orosius Latin

Christian ~416-417 CE Palestine and/or Gallaecia (northwest Hispania) and/or places between. States that Lightning struck and burned the Pantheon at Rome [~110 CE], while at Antioch an earthquake laid almost the entire city in ruins. Fear (2010:343 n. 154) notes that Orosius was using Jerome's Latin translation of Eusebius' Chronicon as a source and deliberately mis-dated certain events in this part of his book, including the burning of the Pantheon and the earthquake at Antioch, in service of a theological agenda.
Chronographia by Johannes Malalas Greek

Christian (Orthodox Byzantium) ~530s to 565 CE Probably Antioch and Constantinople Although there are chronological inconsistencies in Malalas' account, he provides what appears to be an accurate date - in the early morning of 13 December 115 CE. The source for this earthquake may have been 'City Chronicles' of Antioch.
Ecclesiastical History by Evagrius Scholasticus Greek

Chalcedonian Christian ~593 CE Antioch ? Refers to the Trajan Quake in a discussion about another earthquake that struck Antioch ~347 years later. Ambraseys (2009) notes that there are dating inconsistencies in the passage by Evagrius Scholasticus
Chronicle of Zuqnin by Pseudo-Dionysius of Tell-Mahre Syriac

Eastern Christian 750-775 CE Zuqnin Monastery States that A great earthquake took place in Antioch, overturning the city almost entirely. Dated to 111-114 CE. Dates in this part of the Chronicle of Zuqnin are frequently unreliable.
The Chronicle of Georgius Syncellus Greek

Orthodox (Byzantium) 808-810 CE ( Adler and Tuffin, 2002:lxx) Vicinity of Constantinople States that Antioch suffered an earthquake when Trajan was staying there. Chronological information dating the earthquake to 108 or 109 CE is inconsistent and flawed when one considers the chronology of Trajan's reign (e.g., Trajan's move to Antioch at the start of the Parthian Campaign in 113 CE).
Chronicle by Michael the Syrian Syriac

Syriac Orthodox Church late 12th century CE Probably at the Monastery of Mar Bar Sauma near Tegenkar, Turkey States that Antioch was more or less entirely overthrown by a violent earthquake at the same time that the Temple of the Pantheon was destroyed by lightning [~110 CE].
Other Sources
Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Satire VI by Juvenal

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Ramsay (1918)

Satire 6

The Ways of Women

... Better, however, that your wife should be musical than that she should be rushing boldly about the entire city, attending men's meetings, talking with unflinching face and hard breasts to Generals in their military cloaks, with her husband looking on! This same woman knows what is going on all over the world: what the Thracians and Chinese are after, what has passed between the stepmother and the stepson; she knows who loves whom, what gallant is the rage; she will tell you who got the widow with child, and in what month; how every woman behaves to her lovers, and what she says to them. She is the first to notice the comet threatening the kings of Armenia and Parthia; she picks up the latest rumours at the city gates, and invents some herself: how the Niphates17 has burst out upon the nations, and is inundating entire districts; how cities are tottering and lands subsiding, she tells to every one she meets at every street crossing.

17 Properly a mountain; here meant for a river.

English from Ramsay (1918) - embedded

  • see 29th paragraph starting with Better, however, that your wife should be musical
  • from tertullian.org

Seismic Effects Locations Online Versions and Further Reading

Roman History by Dio Cassius

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Foster (1905)

24 1 While the emperor [Trajan (r. 98-117 CE)] was tarrying in Antioch a terrible earthquake occurred; many cities suffered injury, but Antioch was the most unfortunate of all. Since Trajan was passing the winter there and many soldiers and many civilians had flocked thither from all sides in connexion with law-suits, embassies, business or sightseeing, there was no nation of people that went unscathed; and thus in Antioch the whole world under Roman sway suffered disaster. There had been many thunderstorms and portentous winds, but no one would ever have expected so many evils to result from them. First there came, on a sudden, a great bellowing roar, and this was followed by a tremendous quaking. The whole earth was upheaved, and buildings leaped into the air; some were carried aloft only to collapse and be broken in pieces, while others were tossed this way and that as if by the surge of the sea, and overturned, and the wreckage spread out over a great extent even of the open country. The crash of grinding and breaking timbers together with tiles and stones was most frightful; and an inconceivable amount of dust arose, so that it was impossible for one to see anything or to speak or hear a word. As for the people, many even who were outside the houses were hurt, being snatched up and tossed violently about and then dashed to the earth as if falling from a cliff; some were maimed and others were killed. Even trees in some cases leaped into the air, roots and all. The number of those who were trapped in the houses and perished was past finding out; for multitudes were killed by the very force of the falling debris, and great numbers were suffocated in the ruins. Those who lay with a part of their body buried under the stones or timbers suffered terribly, being able neither to live any longer nor to find an immediate death.

25 Nevertheless, many even of these were saved, as was to be expected in such a countless multitude; yet not all such escaped unscathed. Many lost legs or arms, some had their heads broken, and still others vomited blood; Pedo the consul was one of these, and he died at once. In a word, there was no kind of violent experience that those people did not undergo at that time. And as Heaven continued the earthquake for several days and nights, the people were in dire straits and helpless, some of them crushed and perishing under the weight of the buildings pressing upon them, and others dying of hunger, whenever it so chanced that they were left alive either in a clear space, the timbers being so inclined as to leave such a space, or in a vaulted colonnade. When at last the evil had subsided, someone who ventured to mount the ruins caught sight of a woman still alive. She was not alone, but had also an infant; and she had survived by feeding both herself and her child with her milk. They dug her out and resuscitated her together with her babe, and after that they searched the other heaps, but were not able to find in them anyone still living save a child sucking at the breast of its mother, who was dead. As they drew forth the corpses they could no longer feel any pleasure even at their own escape. So great were the calamities that had overwhelmed Antioch at this time. Trajan made his way out through a window of the room in which he was staying. Some being, of greater than human stature, had come to him and led him forth, so that he escaped with only a few slight injuries; and as the shocks extended over several days, he lived out of doors in the hippodrome. Even Mt. Casius itself was so shaken that its peaks seemed to lean over and break off and to be falling upon the very city. Other hills also settled, and much water not previously in existence came to light, while many streams disappeared.

Year Reference Corrections Notes
113-115 CE While the emperor was tarrying in Antioch none
Seismic Effects Locations Online Versions and Further Reading

Chronicon by Eusebius

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English Translation of Jerome's translation of Eusebius' Chronicon

An earthquake at Antioch ruined almost the entire city.

English Translation of Jerome's translation of Eusebius' Chronicon - embedded

Year Reference Corrections Notes
1 July 113 CE to 30 June 114 CE Eusebius dates this section to the first year of the 223rd Olympiad none Calculated with CHRONOS
112 CE to 114 CE Eusebius dates the following year of the 223rd Olympiad to 2130 in the Year of Abraham (Anno Abraham) Years were calculated for 2129 in the Year of Abraham (one year earlier) Calculated with CHRONOS
Seismic Effects Locations Online Versions and Further Reading

History Against the Pagans by Orosius

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Fear (2010)

5. Four cities in Asia, Elea, Myrina, Pitane, and Cyme along with two in Greece, those of the Opuntii and Oriti,154 were destroyed by an earthquake that also ruined three cities in Galatia. At Rome, the Pantheon was struck by lightning and burnt down, while an earthquake in Antioch almost levelled the entire city.155

154 Opus, the chief city of the Opuntian Locrians, is perhaps the modern Kardhenitza in modern Greece. Oricum, a port in Illyricum, is the modern Erikha in Albania.

155 The destruction of the Golden House is drawn from Jerome, Chronicle, A Abr. 2120. Orosius tries nobly to absolve his compatriot and hero, Trajan, from the blame of initiating a persecution in his account. The earthquake in Asia and Greece is taken from Jerome, Chronicle, A Abr. 2121. Orosius disingenuously elides this with the earthquake in Galatia to make God’s vengeance seem the greater. In fact, Jerome dates the earthquake in Galatia and the burning of the Pantheon six years after the Asian earthquake, A Abr. 2127 (= AD 113), and gives a third date for the earthquake at Antioch, A Abr. 2130.

Year Reference Corrections Notes
110 CE At Rome, the Pantheon was struck by lightning and burned down, while an earthquake in Antioch almost leveled the entire city. none
  • Lightning struck and burned the Pantheon in 110 AD according to these two references - here and here
  • Fear (2010:343 n. 154) notes that Orosius was using Jerome's Latin translation of Eusebius' Chronicon as a source and deliberately mis-dated certain events in this part of his book, including the burning of the Pantheon and the earthquake at Antioch, in service of a theological agenda.
Seismic Effects Locations Sources

Online Versions and Further Reading

Calendars used by Orosius

Chronographia by Johannes Malalas

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Jeffries et al (1986)

During the reign of the same most divine Trajan Antioch the Great, situated near Daphne, suffered for the third time in the month of Apellaeus and December 13, the first day, after cockcrow ,in the Antiochene year 164, and two years after the arrival of Trajan in eastern parts. The Antiochenes who remained behind and survived erected an altar in Daphne, on which they wrote, “The survivors erected this to their saviour Zeus."

On the same night as Antioch the Great suffered, the island city of Rhodes, being a city of the Hexapolis, suffered under the wrath of God for the second time.

But the most pious Trajan, having founded it once already, erected the Median Gatenear the temple of Ares, where the Parmenius flows in winter, close to what is now called Macellus; and above it he inscribed an effigy of the She-Wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus, so that posterity might know that this was a Roman foundation. He sacrificed there a beautiful Antiochene virgin called Calliope as an expiatory and cleansing sacrifice for the city, in whose honour he built the Nymphagoria. And then he re-erected the two great architraves, and built many other things in Antioch, including a public bath, and an aqueduct, drawing the water from the springs of Daphne to the so-called Agriae, giving his own name to the baths and aqueduct. And the Theatre of Antioch, which was not yet finished, he completed, and placed in it, above, four columns; and in the middle of the Proscenium of the Nymphaeum he put a bronze statue of the virgin he had slaughtered, and on the upper side a bronze of the Orontes river was placed, being crowned by the kings Seleucus and Antiochus. The Emperor Trajan himself was in the city when the earthquake happened.

St Ignatius, the bishop of Antioch, was martyred then during Trajan’s visit, for he incurred the emperor’s anger through abusing him.

Greek with a Latin translation (embedded)

Jeffreys et al (1986) English Translation (embedded)

  • See pages 145-146
  • Book 11 Sections 8 and 9
  • suffered for the third time refers to the earthquake
  • from calameo.com

Year Reference Corrections Notes
in the morning on 13 December 115 CE in the month of Apellaeus and December 13, the first day (Monday), after cockcrow, in the Antiochene year 164, none
~115/116 CE two years after the arrival of Trajan in eastern parts none
  • Ambraseys (2009) noted that it is generally agreed that Trajan arrived in winter 113/114 CE.
Seismic Effects Locations Sources

Online Versions and Further Reading

Era of Antioch

Parise (2002) defines the Era of Antioch a year later than Ambraseys (2009:123, 169) and also has different start and end dates. This way of reckoning would result in a different date for this earthquake - 13 December 116 CE. Since Ambraseys (2009:123), Guidoboni et al (1994), and Downey (1963:283) date the Trajan Quake to 13 December 115 CE apparently based on Malalas' specification of the Antiochene Year of 164, I am going to assume for now that they were correct although it is possible that Ambraseys (2009:123) and Guidoboni et al (1994) relied on Downey (1963:283) and Downey (1963:283) made a mistake. The Antiochene Year has a section in CHRONOS where this calendar is discussed in more detail in the Explanation dropdown.

Chronological Clues and Inconsistencies

At the end of this excerpt, Malalas recounts the martyrdom of Saint Ignatius of Antioch . Although Malalas’ text does not seem to specify that Ignatius’ martyrdom occurred coincident with or just prior to the earthquake, Ambraseys (2009) cites sources which say that the earthquake coincided with the date of Ignatius’ martyrdom. Ambraseys (2009) discussion follows

Malalas puts the event on a Sunday at the same time as the martyrdom of Saint Ignatius. For this reason Clinton (1851) rejects Malalas' date completely and dates the event to January or February AD 115; based on a reconstruction of the itinerary of St Ignatius, beginning with his arrest, which he mistakenly places in February AD 115 (cf. Downey, 1961b:292). According to St John Chrysostom, St Ignatius' martyrdom took place on 20 December 116, which was a Saturday: apparently the martyrdom continued till 6 am on Sunday (Ioann Chrys. S. Ignat. 594). Hence it may well be that 13 December 115 for the earthquake is correct, in view of the other corroborated data; Malalas has merely moved the date of St Ignatius's death back (Essig, 1986; Lepper, 1948:54-85; Downey, 1961b:216,218,292).
Malalas mentions simultaneous damage to Rhodes however this may be a forced synchronicity or sloppy chronology; something Malalas is noted for. Ambraseys (2009) noted that in a possible timing inconsistency, Malalas states that the Rhodes earthquake happened at night and the Antioch earthquake occurred in the early morning (after the cockscrow).

Roman Consul Pedo is reported to have died in this earthquake.

Ecclesiastical History by Evagrius Scholasticus

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Walford (1846)



DURING the second year of the reign of Leo, an extraordinary shock and concussion of the earth took place at Antioch, preceded by certain excesses of the populace, which reached the extreme of frenzy, and surpassed the ferocity of beasts, forming, as it were, a prelude to such a calamity. This grievous visitation occurred in the five hundred and sixth year of the free prerogatives of the city, about the fourth hour of the night, on the fourteenth day of the month Gorpiaeus, which the Romans call September, on the eve of the Lord's day, in the eleventh cycle of the indiction; and was the sixth on record after a lapse of three hundred and forty-seven years, since the earthquake under Trajan; for that occurred when the city was in the hundred and fifty-ninth year of its independence; but this, which happened in the time of Leo, in the five hundred and sixth, according to the most diligent authorities. This earthquake threw down nearly all the houses of the New City, which was very populous, and contained not a single vacant or altogether unoccupied spot, but had been highly embellished by the rival liberality of the emperors. Of the structures composing the palace, the first and second were thrown down: the rest, however, remained standing, together with the adjoining baths, which, having been previously useless, were now rendered serviceable to the necessities of the city, arising from the damage of the others. It also levelled the porticoes in front of the palace and the adjacent Tetrapylum, as well as the towers of the Hippodrome, which flanked the entrances, and some of the porticoes adjoining them. In the Old City, the porticoes and dwellings entirely escaped the overthrow; but it shattered a small portion of the baths of Trajan, Severus, and Hadrian, and also laid in ruins some parts of the quarter of houses named Ostracine, together with the porticoes, and levelled what was called the Nymphaeum. All these circumstances have been minutely detailed by John the rhetorician. He says, that a thousand talents of gold were remitted to the city from the tributes by the emperor; and, besides, to individual citizens, the imposts of the houses destroyed : and that he also took measures for the restoration both of them and of the public buildings.

English from Whitby (2000) - Entire Book - embedded

  • see Book II Chapter XII on pages 94-95
  • from calameo.com

English from Walford (1846) - Book 2 - embedded

  • see Chapter XII starting with EARTHQUAKE AT ANTIOCH.
  • from tertullian.org

Year Reference Corrections Notes
~111 CE a lapse of three hundred and forty-seven years, since the earthquake under Trajan none
  • The passage above refers to an earthquake which Ambraseys (2009)) dates to 458 CE however it makes reference to the Trajan Quake occurring 347 years prior. This would date the Trajan Quake to ~111 CE. Ambraseys (2009) notes, however, that there are dating inconsistencies in Evagrius Schlasticus’ passage about the 458 CE earthquake. This indicates that extrapolating backwards to determine the year of the Trajan Quake is likely to be beset by inaccuracies.
Seismic Effects Locations Online Versions and Further Reading

Chronicle of Zuqnin by Pseudo-Dionysius of Tell-Mahre

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Harrak (1999)

[F34r] The year two thousand [one hundred] and twenty-eight (AD 114): A great earthquake took place in Antioch, overturning the city almost entirely.

Syriac - embedded

Year Reference Corrections Notes
111 CE to 113 CE The year 2128 none
  • The year 2128 appears to refer to the Year of Abraham used by Eusebius
  • Calculated with CHRONOS
  • (AD 114) was inserted by Harrak (2017:196).
  • As discussed below in Pseudo-Dionysius' sources, the year specified in the Chronicle of Zuqnin when using Eusebius as a source are frequently unreliable.
Seismic Effects Locations Sources

Background Information
Pseudo-Dionysius of Tell-Mahre vs. Dionysius of Tell-Mahre

Online Versions and Further Reading

The Chronicle of Georgius Syncellus

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Adler and Tuffin (2002)

AM 5600

Year 100 of the divine Incarnation

The remaining years of Trajan, the eleventh ruler of the Romans

When the Jews throughout Libya, Cyrene, Egypt, Alexandria and the Thebaid commenced hostilities against the Greek inhabitants there, they were utterly destroyed.1

Antioch suffered an earthquake when Trajan was staying there.2

Trajan ordered Lysius Quintus3 to eliminate the insurgents in Mesopotamia. For killing many tens of thousands of Jews, he was thereby appointed governor of Judaea.4

After killing the Greeks at Salamis in Cyprus, the Jews razed the city.5

The Senate passed a resolution making Trajan a god.6

According to Eusebios, Trajan died of an illness in Selinous; but according to others, he died of dysentery in Seleukeia of Isauria.7

(7) The seventh Roman bishop was Xystos 9 years8
((5) The fifth) bishop of Alexandria was Primus 12 years9
(6) The sixth bishop of Jerusalem was Benjamin 2 years
(7) The seventh bishop of Jerusalem was Joannes 2 years
(8) The eighth bishop of Jerusalem was Matthias 2 years10

1 Cf. Eus. 2.196d; HE 4.2.1-4; Cass. Dio 68.32.
2 Cf. Eus. 2.196c (without the mention of Trajan); Cass. Dio 68.24.1.
3 Text: [Greek Text]; cf. Eus. HE 4.2.5: [Greek Text] ('Lysius Quietus').
4 Cf. Eus. 2.196e; HE 4.2.5.
5 Cf. Eus. 2.i96f.
6 Cf. Eus. 2.197c, Eutrop. 8.5.2.
7 Eus. 2.197a. For the tradition about Trajan's death in Seleukeia, see Eutrop. 8.5.2.
8 Cf. Eus. 2.198b; HE 4.5.5 (10 years).
9 Eus. 2.194e
10 Cf. Eus. 2.196a (without years). Cf. also [Greek Text] 77.22-4, which gives 3 years for Benjamin, 2 years each for Joannes and Matthias.


The table below lists varying years that can be derived from Syncellus' entry. Reigns of the various ecclesiastical leaders are not included in the table because Syncellus specifies the lengths of their reigns rather than in which year of their reign the earthquake struck. This chronological information is inconsistent and flawed when one considers the chronology of Trajan's reign (e.g., Trajan's move to Antioch at the start of the Parthian Campaign in 113 CE).

Date Reference Corrections Notes
25 Mar. 107 to 24 Mar. 108 CE A.M.a 5600 none Calculated using CHRONOS.
25 March 108 to 24 March 109 CE Divine incarnation year 100 none. Calculated using CHRONOS.
Online References and Further Reading


Guidoboni refers to this as Georgius Syncellus 657

Chronicle by Michael the Syrian

Background and Biography

Background and Biography

English from Chabot (1899-1910)

The temple of the Pantheon, that is to say of all the gods, was destroyed by lightning. At the same time, Antioch was more or less entirely overthrown by a violent earthquake.

French from Chabot (1899-1910)

Le temple du Panthéon, c'est-à-dire de tous les dieux, fut détruit par la foudre. Encore à cette époque, Antioche fut tout entière plus ou moins renversée par un violent tremblement de terre.

French from Chabot - embeded

Syriac - embedded

Year Reference Corrections Notes
110 CE The temple of the Pantheon, that is to say of all the gods, was destroyed by lightning. At the same time, Antioch was more or less entirely overthrown by a violent earthquake. none
  • Lightning struck and burned the Pantheon in 110 CE according to these two references - here and here
Seismic Effects Locations Sources

Online Versions and Further Reading

Other Sources

Incomplete Fragment xxxv in the Fasti Ostienses

Guidoboni et. al. (1994:232) note that this earthquake may have been mentioned in the very incomplete Fragment xxxv in the Fasti Ostienses


[---] Vestal virgin [---] there was an [earthqu]ake [---1, of Quintus Asinius Mar[cellus ---].


[---]rinu[---J / v(irgo) V(estalis) [terrae m]otus fuit [---1 Q(uinti) Asini Mar[celli ---] / [---11-[---?]
Barbieri (1970, pp.263-5, 272-3, 276) has studied this much debated fragment and the substantial earlier bibliography in extreme detail, and suggests completing its five lines as set out below. He thinks the first line refers to a consul from the third and last pair for the year 115, namely Pompeius Macrinus — who is probably also referred to in the Fasti Potentini (from Potenza Picena, near Porto Recanati), though it, too, is a very fragmentary document:

[On the Calends of September] M. Pomp[eius Mac]rinu[s, ---1.


[k. Sept.] M. Pomp[eius Mac]rinu[s, ---].
The second line seems to refer to the death or sentencing of an unidentified Vestal virgin. Barbieri has suggested the Lepida in CIL 6.5477, but there are other possibilities, since the form of the first letter of the name suggests either an I or an N. The earthquake referred to in the third line seems to be the one which struck Antioch in that same year 115, and it is probably recorded in the inscription because it caused the death of a number of people in the retinue of the emperor Trajan. It is unlikely, therefore, to be the hypothetical earthquake in the Ostia area — which is in any case not attested in any other sources — as previously suggested by Burnand (1984, pp.176-7, no.10) and in Catalogo epigrafi (1989, p.144).

The fourth and fifth lines are taken to record the death of the praefectus urbi, Q.Asinius Marcellus, and his replacement by Q.Baebius Macer:

Q.Baebius Macer was appointed to replace Q.Asinius Marcellus as praefectus urbi.


in locu]m Q. Asini Mar[celli praef urb. f(actus) Q. Bae/bins Mace]r.
Barbieri has read the last letter of the fifth line as an R, whereas it had previously been interpreted as an A (CIL 14.4542) or an X.

Other Sources - Ambraseys (2009) and Guidoboni et al (1994)

Ambraseys (2009) notes that the earthquake is recorded by a number of later Syriac chroniclers who add no further information. Ambraseys (2009) and Guidoboni et al (1994) list other sources which mention this earthquake.

  • Chr. 724 121/95 - This is the same reference as Chronicon by Eusebius (Ambraseys, 2009)
  • Zon. 11.22.18

Archaeoseismic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Apamea possible Ambraseys (2009) states that four other cities, among them Apamea, are inferred to be have damaged by the earthquake based on building programs initiated soon after. Ambraseys' (2009) sources were Balty (1988) and Krauss (1914).
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes

Tsunamogenic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Caesarea and Jisr al-Zakra unlikely If Tsunamogenic evidence is present in Caesarea from around this time, it was more likely a result of the Incense Road Quake
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Caesarea and Jisr al-Zakra

Paleoseismic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
al-Harif Syria possible ≥ 7
Sbeinati et. al. (2010) report a seismic event X which they dated to 335 AD ± 175 years at a displaced aqueduct at al-Harif, Syria (close to Masyaf, Syria). The Trajan Quake of 115 CE is slightly outside modeled ages. MW = 7.3-7.6 (based on 4.2 m of slip)
Dead Sea - Seismite Types n/a n/a A conservative worst case scenario calculation reveals why it is unlikely that the Trajan Quake produced seismites in the Dead Sea.
  1. Assume the upper end of the Magnitude estimate for the Trajan Quake (MW = 7.5) from Meghraoui et al. (2003).
  2. Locate the epicenter ~90 km. south of Antioch in Apamea.
  3. Calculate the Epicentral Distance (R) from Apamea to Nahal Ze ‘elim (465 km.).
  4. Use the attenuation relationship from Hough and Avni (2009) to estimate peak horizontal ground acceleration (PGA) at Nahal Ze ‘elim where Kagan et al (2011) observed a 5 cm. thick seismite that they associated with the Trajan Quake.

  5. The result is a PGA of 0.10 g at Nahal Ze'elim. This is below the 0.23 g threshold calculated by Williams (2004) or 0.13 g assumed in Lu et al (2020a) that one needs to break the Dead Sea sediments. The conclusion is that the Trajan Quake probably not produce these Dead Sea Seismites and the Incense Road Quake did.

    Seismic Attenuation

    Variable Input Units Notes
    km. Distance to earthquake producing fault
    Variable Output - Site Effect not considered Units Notes
    unitless Conversion from PGA to Intensity using Wald et al (1999)

Dead Sea - En Feshka no evidence Kagan et. al. (2011) did not see any evidence for a seismite created around this time.
Dead Sea - En Gediunlikely 6.3-8.8 Migowski et. al. (2004) assigned two seismites at depths of 264 and 265 cm. (2.64 and 2.65 m) at En Gedi to earthquakes in 112 and 115 CE. The 112 CE date refers to the early second century CE Incense Road Earthquake and the 115 CE date refers to the Trajan Quake which was too far away to have created a Dead Sea seismite. During field work in January 2014 in the nearby En Gedi Trench, Jefferson Williams saw evidence for a sizable earthquake from a ~5 cm. thick seismite from around 112 ± 8 CE which was probably created by the Incense Road Quake. Williams also observed two detachment planes in the Incense Road Quake seismite (use magnifying glass to see at high resolution) which might explain why Migowski, while doing microscope work on the En Gedi Core, identified two separate seismites from the same deformation event.
Dead Sea - Nahal Ze 'elim unlikely 8.1-8.9 At site ZA-2, Kagan et al (2011) assigned a 5 cm. thick Type 4 seismite at a depth of 445 cm. (Modeled Ages 1σ - 125 CE ± 39 and 2σ - 133 CE ± 78) to a date of 115 CE. The 115 CE date refers to the Trajan Quake which was too far away to have created a Dead Sea seismite. The seismite observed by Kagan et al (2011) likely formed during the Incense Road Earthquake.
Araba - Introduction n/a n/a n/a
Araba - Taybeh Trench unlikely ≥ 7 LeFevre et al. (2018) identified a seismic event (E4) in the Taybeh trench with a modeled age of 111 CE ± 31 which was associated with the early 2nd century CE Incense Road Earthquake.
Araba - Qatar Trench unlikely ≥ 7 Klinger et. al. (2015) identified a seismic event (E6) in a trench near Qatar, Jordan in the Arava which they modeled between 9 BCE and 492 CE. The large spread in age caused them to consider two possible earthquakes as the cause; the early 2nd century CE Incense Road Quake and the southern Cyril Quake of 363 CE. They preferred the Cyril Quake of 363 CE based on weighing other evidence not related to their paleoseismic study and noted that further investigation was required.
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Displaced Aqueduct at al Harif, Syria

Sbeinati et. al. (2010) report a seismic event X which they dated to 335 AD ± 175 years at a displaced aqueduct at al-Harif, Syria (close to Masyaf, Syria). The Trajan Quake of 115 CE is slightly outside modeled ages.

Dead Sea - Seismite Types

Dead Sea - En Feshka

Kagan et. al. (2011) did not see any evidence for a seismite created around this time.

Dead Sea - En Gedi

Migowski et. al. (2004) assigned two seismites at depths of 264 and 265 cm. (2.64 and 2.65 m) at En Gedi to earthquakes in 112 and 115 CE. The 112 CE date refers to the early second century CE Incense Road Earthquake and the 115 CE date refers to the Trajan Quake which was too far away to have created a Dead Sea seismite. During field work in January 2014 in the nearby En Gedi Trench, Jefferson Williams saw evidence for a sizable earthquake from a ~5 cm. thick seismite from around 112 ± 8 CE which was probably created by the Incense Road Quake. Williams also observed two detachment planes in the Incense Road Quake seismite (use magnifying glass to see at high resolution) which might explain why Migowski, while doing microscope work on the En Gedi Core, identified two separate seismites from the same deformation event.

Dead Sea - Nahal Ze 'elim

At site ZA-2, Kagan et al (2011) assigned a 5 cm. thick Type 4 seismite at a depth of 445 cm. (Modeled Ages 1σ - 125 CE ± 39 and 2σ - 133 CE ± 78) to a date of 115 CE. The 115 CE date refers to the Trajan Quake which was too far away to have created a Dead Sea seismite. The seismite observed by Kagan et al (2011) likely formed during the Incense Road Earthquake.

Araba - Introduction

Araba - Taybeh Trench

LeFevre et al. (2018) identified a seismic event (E4) in the Taybeh trench with a modeled age of 111 CE ± 31 which was associated with the early 2nd century CE Incense Road Earthquake.

Araba - Qatar Trench

Klinger et. al. (2015) identified a seismic event (E6) in a trench near Qatar, Jordan in the Arava which they modeled between 9 BCE and 492 CE. The large spread in age caused them to consider two possible earthquakes as the cause; the early 2nd century CE Incense Road Quake and the southern Cyril Quake of 363 CE. They preferred the Cyril Quake of 363 CE based on weighing other evidence not related to their paleoseismic study and noted that further investigation was required.


Ambrasey's (2009) Entry for AD c. 115? Rhodes

AD c. 115? Rhodes

An earthquake severely damaged the city of Rhodes, possibly at about the same time as the earthquake in Antioch. The sanctuary of Asclepius was razed to the ground but later rebuilt by one Tiberius Claudius Antipater.

Malalas, who is the sole specific source for a Rhodian earthquake at this time, says that on the same night as Antioch suffered an earthquake (see above), ‘the island city of Rhodes, being a city of the Hexapolis, suffered under the wrath of God for the second time.’ However, he says in the previous paragraph that the Antioch earthquake began at cock-crow, whereas the Rhodes earthquake took place at night.

The coincidence, on the one hand, and the inconsistency, on the other, suggest that Malalas has manipulated the chronology, as he so often does, for effect.

An inscription from Lindos in Rhodes, dating from about the turn of the second century AD, records the generosity of a Tiberius Claudius Antipater, who ‘rebuilt in the city, out of his own funds, together with his son Claudius Diocles, the sanctuary of Asclepius which was razed by an earthquake’. Another inscription dating from about the same time gives thanks to the gods for deliverance from the earthquake (Robert 1978, 403ff).

The dates of these inscriptions are not certain, and they need not necessarily be connected with the same earthquake as that to which Malalas is referring.

Guidoboni et al. (1994, 235) associate the first inscription found in Lindos with the East Mediterranean earthquake of AD 141–2. However, since the epigraphy seems to date from early in the first century, it has been put with Malalas’s record.


(Mal. 275–276/416–417 – see above under AD 115 Dec 13 Antioch).
‘The Lindians honour. . . Tiberius Claudius Antipater, who rebuilt in the city, out of his own funds, together with his son Claudius Diocles, the sanctuary of Asclepius which was razed by an earthquake.’ (I. Lindos II, n. 449, l. 13–16).
‘For what was granted in the earthquake, thanks be to the gods.’ (IGR iv. 1121. 9–11).

Paleoclimate - Droughts
